2018 New Laws for California Drivers

marzo 21, 2018

Each year, millions of California motorists take to the roads without knowledge of new legislation. This can be a costly mistake, as being in violation of driving laws may carry hefty penalties. Before you find yourself in need of a reckless driving ticket lawyer, take note of what’s changed.

Understand the New Laws

Here are some of the key new laws for 2018:

  • Cannabis. You can’t consume cannabis while driving and neither can your passenger.
  • Passenger for hire. This applies to Uber and Lyft drivers in particular. If you have a paying passenger and your blood alcohol concentration is 0.04% or higher, your license could be suspended.
  • Disabled persons. If you apply for a disabled person parking placard or license plate, you’ll need to give proof of name and birthdate. You’ll be allowed four replacement placard requests in a two-year period. You’ll need to renew every six years, but you won’t need to show medical certification.
  • Unresolved parking tickets. If you have unpaid parking violations, you may be eligible to pay before they’re reported to the DMV. This is helpful since unresolved tickets on the DMV’s record can block your vehicle registration renewal.
  • Buses with seatbelts. If you’re on a bus with seatbelts, you need to be wearing one. Children between the ages of eight and 16 need to be in seatbelts or proper child seats while on buses.
  • Motorcycle training courses. The DMV will now take proof of motorcycle course completion in place of the mandatory skills test for those 21 and up.
  • Transportation improvement. In 2018, the DMV added a Transportation Improvement Fee, or TIF, for road maintenance.

Don’t Fight: We Do It for You

When you receive a ticket for violating a law—old or new—you need someone who can fight it. Whether you’re looking for an illegal U turn ticket lawyer, a careless driving ticket attorney, or a local Los Angeles ticket attorney, Ticket Clinic has you covered. We do it all at a fair price and you won’t have to set foot in a courtroom.

Contact Us Today for a Ticket That Needs Resolving

With Ticket Clinic’s high success rate, you’ll want us on your side. Call 1-800-248-2846 for your free consultation today.