4 Important Facts That You Must Know When Facing a DUI Charge

mayo 12, 2015

Being charged with a DUI is no joke, the consequences of which could include you never being able to drive again. The legal limit for alcohol level in the blood is 0.08%. This is fairly consistent throughout all the states, although the penalties for being convicted with a DUI charge can vary from state to state and depending on the damage incurred. Being charged with a DUI doesn’t mean that you will be convicted outright. A good Traffic Ticket Attorney can certainly lower the probability of a conviction. That being said, here are a few other points you need to be aware of about facing a DUI charge.

Loss of Driving Privileges

If your Breathalyzer test reveals an alcohol level beyond the legal limit, a lot of states have rules in place to suspend your driving privileges with immediate effect. This translates to you losing your driver’s license for up to a year and your vehicle being towed away immediately. You need to apply for an administrator hearing; however, in a lot of scenarios, you stand to lose your license for something like 30 to 60 days and will be required to drive with an interlock device installed on your car thereafter.

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

A DUI conviction comes with a Mandatory Minimum Sentencing rule. This means that once you are convicted, you will have to face a minimum sentence and there is no way around it. Penalties may go up depending on the situation and the factors involved in the specific DUI incident.

How DUIs are beat in Court

Just because you got a Los Angeles Traffic Ticket for DUI, there is no reason to presume that you will be facing jail time or other penalties. Getting yourself the best Traffic Ticket Attorney can surely help your case. A good attorney can churn out something by which he could challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution. You can even escape conviction if the officer who charged you with the offense is not present for the hearing.

Get the Best Lawyer

When facing a DUI charge, it’s important to have a Traffic Ticket Attorney with reasonable experience to stand by you. You also need to make sure that from the time you get pulled over by an officer to be tested, you cannot provide any information regarding the circumstances and details of your case to anybody apart from your lawyer.

A DUI conviction can have a deep impact on your life. It can affect every facet of your life from your career, your personal life, and social standing. You don’t have to go through the travails of being